Summary command

Print a summary of OpenAPI changes

Want to check OpenAPI changes in a CI/CD pipeline? Or just want a quick summary in the terminal?

If this is something you’re looking for, then the summary command is what you’re looking for.

To use the summary with one of our examples, check out the code and run the following command:

openapi-changes summary ./ sample-specs/petstorev3.json You should see something like this:

Turn off colors and styling

If the colors and formatting are giving your pipeline problems, you can turn off colors and styling with the --no-color flag.

openapi-changes summary --no-color ./ sample-specs/petstorev3.json

Render as markdown

If you want to render the output as markdown, you can use the --markdown flag.

This will render the tree, tables and summary items as CI/CD friendly markdown. Emoji’s will be used and it looks great in your pipeline logs!

openapi-changes summary --markdown ./ sample-specs/petstorev3.json