Get started with openapi-changes
Value in 30 seconds, or your money back.Don’t have time to read? Just want to try things out? No problem, we’ve got you covered.
1. Install openapi-changes
2. Run the html-report command
We’re going to use the OpenAPI V3 Sample Petstore Specification
to demonstrate the speed and power of openapi-changes
A new file should exist in your working directory called report.html
3. View the report
Double click the report.html
file to open it in your browser, or use the open
4. View the same data in the console
Don’t like browsers? Like it old-school? No problem, we got you covered.
5. View the same data as a summary
Just want an overview? Don’t want to explore? No problem, we got you covered.
6. View some different data
See something else, try our own Jazzy Petstore Example.
What’s next?
You should now have a good idea of what openapi-changes
can do for you.
Why not learn more about the command arguments you can pass to any the openapi-changes